Arthritis,  Tips

What I think about when packing

This is a shorter article, just to jog your memory if you think you might be forgetting to pack something for your upcoming trip. It’s especially for forgetful people, like my partner, who would forget his insulin pump if it weren’t attached to him. Perhaps this is something he can reference in the future… XD

I’m including questions I ask myself to make sure I’m not forgetting something important, as well as a sample packing list (just with the things important to medical conditions). This could also even be useful for shorter day trips. (The amount of times I’ve been stuck without a pain reliever when I needed it is unfortunate.)

Questions I ask to make my list

Do we need:

– Medicine? (For pain, acid reflux, bladder, allergies, any current issues)

– Anything special for what we’ll be doing? (Like protection for swimming with an insulin pump cannula)

– Braces, supports, or slings? (Especially if walking/hiking a lot)

– Clothes for extra protection in extreme temperatures? (My joints are sensitive to getting cold, for example)

– Anything for proper exercise? (I’ve brought a yoga mat with me in the past)

Then, I go through the day/week to make sure we have all the things we use regularly.

Example list

This is packing for me (AS, IC) and my partner (diabetes, scoliosis):

– Medicine (prescriptions, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Azo, Prilosec, Tums, Icy Hot, Zyrtec)

– Proper transport for medicine (remembering to freeze ice packs, if needed)

– Braces and supports (KT tape, knee brace)

– Diabetes supplies (medical tape, supplies for changing insulin pump, extra supplies for checking blood sugar, BATTERIES)

– Clothes for all kinds of pain days (including enough comfortable pants, loose tops, and good shoes)

For during travel:

– Clothes that are comfortable for hours of sitting

– Easily reachable medicine (important things like ibuprofen)

– Easily reachable snacks (for controlling blood sugar and acid reflux)

Important notes

If you’re flying, it’s really important to keep important medicine with you in your carry-on bag. Bags in checked luggage can get squished, lost, and subjected to extreme pressures and temperatures, and you don’t want to be without your medicine in an unfamiliar place.

It’s also important to be careful with transporting certain medical supplies through airports, like biologics and insulin pumps, which can be sensitive to x-rays and other scanners.

Also, be careful with medicine if it’s going to be left in a hot place, like a car, for any period of time. Some medicines, and especially biologics and insulin, can be damaged by heat, so an ice pack or cooler may be important.

You might also want to check out my posts about flying with biologics or diabetes, or how to make standing for long periods easier.

Hopefully this helps you remember all the important things! Safe travels, and enjoy your trip!


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